
Christ Church CE Primary and Nursery Academy

An EXCELLENT Church School in all areas. OUTSTANDING Early Years provision.

Learning to live together, together living to learn. “Learn from Me.” (Matthew 11:29)

For every child to reach their God-given potential in a positive, caring and aspirational environment.

Curriculum Intent

Christ Church CE Primary and Nursery Academy


Curriculum Intent Statement


 At Christ Church CE Primary and Nursery Academy we are committed to achieving the very best possible outcomes for all our pupils, many of whom face significant barriers and challenges in their young lives. Through consultation, we are acutely aware that we need to promote our children’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.


With our strong Christian ethos woven through all that we do, we are relentless and uncompromising for them. We recognise that they deserve committed, hardworking and creative teachers. Our teachers support, encourage and enable them overcome any barriers and reach their God given potential, irrespective of starting points. Through promoting high expectations, we aim to raise their aspirations and share their experiences with parents and carers.


Our curriculum, in reflecting the needs of our community, is ambitious and designed to give all learners the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. We want all of them to be able to take the opportunity to ‘Sail the Seven Seas’ and be resourceful and resilient enough to overcome the challenges that they will face.


Our 7 C’s are:



Our curriculum aims to be exciting and engaging, enabling children to explore and experience a broad and balanced range of subjects, whilst ensuring coverage and progression in each subject. We value children’s creativity and enable them to express this across the curriculum, especially through the arts. In addition to this we are committed to offering all children a range of opportunities to learn outdoors and experientially, both on and off site.



Our curriculum aims to tap into children’s natural curiosity by making learning memorable. We achieve this through Stunning Starters and Fantastic Finishes, inspiring awe and wonder with well-planned visitors and visits in order to embed life-long learning skills.


Cross-curricular learning

Our curriculum recognises the importance of giving our children transferable skills through cross-curricular learning. Our focus on metacognition is evident in all that we do, encouraging persistence, resilience, independence, reflection and risk taking.



Our curriculum aims to challenge children at all levels to achieve their God given potential. By providing opportunities for children to explore ways to become active, informed and engaged citizens, we enable children to make healthy lifestyle choices.



Our curriculum aims to foster collaboration between children, families and our wider community. Our diversity is a significant feature and we celebrate this through establishing meaningful links, both locally and globally.



Our curriculum recognises the need for every child at Christ Church to experience a language rich environment, where everybody’s voice is valued. Through this we emphasise our Golden Rules which place great emphasis on the respect we show ourselves and others.


‘Can do’ approach to learning

Our curriculum aims to give children the skills, knowledge and confidence to feel safe and take risks in their learning. We recognise the power of reflecting on and learning from mistakes.

To obtain additional information on our curriculum please visit our class blogs.
