
Christ Church CE Primary and Nursery Academy

An EXCELLENT Church School in all areas. OUTSTANDING Early Years provision.

Learning to live together, together living to learn. “Learn from Me.” (Matthew 11:29)

For every child to reach their God-given potential in a positive, caring and aspirational environment.


As a school we now follow the Sounds-Write phonics programme.


Please see this website for all information regarding the new scheme-


Sounds Write works well for us as it:


*  Is developmentally appropriate for beginning readers in YR, Y1 and Y2


*  It offers fast and highly effective intervention for children at all levels who have fallen behind in their reading and spelling.


*  It is a real phonic system that teaches in simple steps how the sounds of the language are represented by the writing system.


*  It teaches the three essential skills of segmenting, blending and phoneme manipulation necessary for reading and spelling throughout the programme on a daily basis until all pupils achieve the automaticity that underlies the fluency of every single reader.   


Sounds Write Introduction Video (1).mp4

Still image for this video
