An EXCELLENT Church School in all areas. OUTSTANDING Early Years provision.
Learning to live together, together living to learn. “Learn from Me.” (Matthew 11:29)
For every child to reach their God-given potential in a positive, caring and aspirational environment.
Religious Education
Religious Education is at the heart of our school ethos. We are a Church of England School and achieved an 'Outstanding' SIAMS inspection grade in 2015.
Religious Education is taught according to the East Sussex Agreed Syllabus. This gives children the opportunity of exploring, in a secure environment, the religious dimension of life – the place and significance of religion in human life.
The basic moral and social attitudes of the children are strongly linked with Christianity, and through our school values, we try to encourage attitudes of caring, tolerance, respect for others and a sense of concern and wonder for the environment. It is one of the aims of this area of the curriculum to show how in terms of Christianity, these qualities have been in the past and still can be used for the benefit of all.
We teach at least 50% Christianity in each year group with the remaining time taken up with the teaching of Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. Our R.E. curriculum map sets out the key questions pupils will investigate. There are planned visits to a range of holy buildings over the course of KS1 and 2. There are two main focus areas in R.E: learning about a religion and learning from a religion.
It is expected that all children will take part in Religious Education lessons and acts of Collective Worship. Currently all our pupils attend every act of worship.
However, we respect the right of parents to withdraw their children. Parents wishing to do so are asked to discuss the matter with the Headteachers.
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