An EXCELLENT Church School in all areas. OUTSTANDING Early Years provision.
Learning to live together, together living to learn. “Learn from Me.” (Matthew 11:29)
For every child to reach their God-given potential in a positive, caring and aspirational environment.
Religious Education in Our School
At Christ Church CE Primary & Nursery Academy, we believe that pupils’ Religious Education will contribute to their spiritual development, helping them to make sense of their life, their shared experiences, key beliefs and concepts. Through positive teaching and learning in our Church school, children will be helped to live in a multicultural, multi-faith society and demonstrate some understanding of the faiths and lives of others – reflecting the intent of our curriculum. We aim to deliver high quality R.E. teaching through the 7 C’s which underpin all we do at Christ Church.
To support teaching and learning about Christianity, we use the ‘Understanding Christianity’ resource, which is based around the fabulous piece of art work by Emma Yarlett called ‘The Big Frieze’. Within each phase, children have an opportunity to explore key concepts, building and deepening their understanding as they progress throughout the school.
In addition to developing their understanding about Christianity, pupils also explore and develop their understanding of other faiths, including Judaism, Islam and Hinduism.
Great quality learning in RE has continued all the way through lockdown, at home and in school. Follow the link above to find who our Remote-learning Rockstars and School Superstars are for the summer term.
Follow the link above for details of some brilliant resources to use at home.
Prayer Adventure Map and The Bible App for kids.
Within RE lessons, we use Godly Play as one way of exploring and thinking about stories from the Bible. It is usually delivered by class teachers but we have recently been lucky enough to welcome three volunteers to share the story telling with a group of pupils from Years 1-6.
By watching the video of the story of Creation recorded by Jane, one of our volunteers, you can share the story at home. This would be a lovely activity to do as a family. Why not pause the video when Jane asks, ‘I wonder..’ and talk about your ideas. The link below has plenty of other suggestions for what you could do in response to the story.
What will you choose to do? We’d love to see or hear what you’ve been doing while you have been at home.
Families can find out more about Godly Play from their website: where they currently have images from other stories and activity ideas.