
Christ Church CE Primary and Nursery Academy

An EXCELLENT Church School in all areas. OUTSTANDING Early Years provision.

Learning to live together, together living to learn. “Learn from Me.” (Matthew 11:29)

For every child to reach their God-given potential in a positive, caring and aspirational environment.

Remembrance Day Service

We marked the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI with a special Remembrance Service for Year 1 to 6 in Christ Church.


In Term 1 our academy embarked on a centenary project that involved every class studying about World War 1. Helen Spencer, from Historic England and Maggie Brunton, Humanties lead for Christ Church CE Academy, supported our staff in accessing resources that helped us to learn more about St Leonards during WW1 and its impact on local families at that time.


Classes designed scrapbook pages which can be seen at the Hastings Museum and Year 4 sent cards to local residents informing them about the soldier from WW1 who had lived there.


We were so pleased that Major George Bryce, a member of the congregation at Christ Church, was present to lead us in the minute’s silence.


Our service celebrated all the knowledge we had gained about our community during that time and gave us an opportunity to express our thanks in memory of those who gave so much for us.
