
Christ Church CE Primary and Nursery Academy

An EXCELLENT Church School in all areas. OUTSTANDING Early Years provision.

Learning to live together, together living to learn. “Learn from Me.” (Matthew 11:29)

For every child to reach their God-given potential in a positive, caring and aspirational environment.

Settling in and Communication

Home Visits

As part of our policy of ensuring a smooth entry for your child into the Nursery class, the staff (Miss Mitchell, Mrs Moran, Mrs Curtis, Miss McKenna, Ms Mercer and Mrs Frostick) will visit you and your child at home before coming into Nursery. This will help your child to recognise our faces, to reassure them that we are not strangers and that they can trust us.


It will also give you an opportunity to discuss any worries or problems confidentially.


Home Visits are a starting point for every child entering our school, no matter what year they join us.


Settling In

Each child is different and no one can predict how quickly your child will settle in the Nursery. Some children will settle immediately and say goodbye to a parent or carer at the door; others may need more reassurance. If you feel it is necessary, you may stay with your child for the whole of the first session or leave whenever you feel that they are settled. If you think that your child may need more time with you in the nursery to help them settle then please speak to Mrs Adams about arranging this.


Key Person

At Little Gems Nursery each child has a Key Person and they will be there to support, care, observe and monitor their key children’s progress. Each practitioner builds up positive relationships to support both the child and their family, from settling-in to regular parent consultations and advice.


Your Child’s Progress

If you have any concerns about your child our staff are available to talk to you at the end of each session or you may make an appointment for a longer meeting. Your child may have something to show you at the end of the session so please don’t be in a hurry to leave- it is important that you value and praise their efforts.


There are regular opportunities for you to talk informally and at least three formal consultation times during the year. You will receive a written report during the summer term. We hope you will share regularly regarding your child’s progress when you notice new achievements at home. We will provide ‘WOW’ moment slips at all times for you to let us know of your child’s newest achievements at home. They are available in the Nursery at all times, just ask a member of staff if you have any queries.
