An EXCELLENT Church School in all areas. OUTSTANDING Early Years provision.
Learning to live together, together living to learn. “Learn from Me.” (Matthew 11:29)
For every child to reach their God-given potential in a positive, caring and aspirational environment.
Our Christian mission statement, "Learning to live together, together living to learn. Learn from Me." (Matthew 11:29) inspires us to seek out meaningful partnerships that enable us and others in our local community and beyond to flourish. We are committed to fostering a love of one another and to live together as a citizen of the world. We believe that, by giving our pupils the opportunity to explore the world beyond their school, we are enabling them to live out our mission statement. By understanding that differences are to be celebrated, our pupils get a richer perspective of the world. Enjoy reading about our global partnerships.
Please see the examples here of how we serve and are served by our church community.
Global Links
Our school is partnered with an Islamic Primary School in Kankalay, Hastings, Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone
Full Length version
short version
We are also partnered with a Christian Primary School in Malawi.
Starfish Malawi
Christian Schools Workers
Work in school by the Christian School Workers covers an array of activities and provisions. A typical year starts with clubs running from terms 1-4. At Christ Church, JAFFA Club (Jesus A Friend For All) gives young people the chance to drop-in and have a safe space to go to talk over things in their lives. This takes place everey Tuesday lunchtime. During terms 1-4 Christian Schools Workers take assemblies/acts of collective worship and assist with R.E curriculum delivery. During term 5 they run Prayer/Reflection Spaces. Each one lasts between 3-5 days and is used in the school during lesson time and during break times. Term 6 is focussed on working with students in year 6. They aim to spend a day with each year 6 group, giving each one a copy of a "Moving on" workbook and providing activities that help them to consider life at secondary school.
Prayer Space
We have worked with Christian Schools Workers to develop prayer spaces in school. Children are invited to explore the spaces, activities and resources to consider and reflect upon questions posed. We hope the pictures give a flavour of the experience that the children (and adults) will encounter.